Long has our kind endured understanding that the distance 'twixt two bodies does not dictate the distance 'twixt two souls.Lore of wayward ex-Warder Leif Renna.

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• Age: 54 years
• Race: Viera (Rava)
• Pronouns: He/Him
• Sexuality: Bi-sexual, male leaning
• Birthplace: Camoa village, Golmore Jungle, Dalmasca
• Profession: Huntsman


Appearance: Tall, lithe form for agility and speed. Snow-white hair against emerald eyes, feather-soft strands framing a tanned face of sharp features.Personality: Used to not speaking unless spoken to, this Rava’s quiet demeanor does not mask his open, inquisitive nature. Ever curious about the world he grew up without, Leif is friendly, thoughtful, and easy-going, striving to live without conflict. When he must fight, he is efficient, but to face this dark side of his heart he must close off who he is, becoming cold, stoic, and pragmatic—a stark contrast to his otherwise warm countenance.


Ale (pronounced AH-leh) grew up an orphan under the canopy of Golmore Jungle, raised with love by his small, traditionalist village of Camoa. Always nimble on his feet, he dreamed of dancing as a means to bring joy to those around him. However, those aspirations were dashed when he came of age. Established to be male, Ale was whisked off to train for a lifetime of service as a Wood Warder—a solitary defender of the forest from all outsiders—a fate all male Viera must undertake. Once having aspirations of bringing light to those around him, Ale was forced to survive bringing death to any outsider he encountered with only the distant presence of the other males as solace. Everything Ale knew faded to this singular purpose in life, a role he never wanted, but this was the way of the Green Word, the only way of life he knew……Until a chance encounter changed Ale forever. In choosing not to take the life of an older male Miqo’te adventurer, this Wood Warder re-learned companionship and gained a glimpse of the world beyond Golmore’s dark canopy, a world where he could live and die of his choosing. Defying the Green Word, however, held consequences, and in failing his duty to shield Camoa from all outsiders, The Empire breeched an attack against Ale's village, his companion was killed, and Camoa was razed to the ground. Suffocating under the burden of guilt, Ale engaged in self exile from Golmore and the Green Word forever, a fate devastating to anyone who does not know any other life.Determined to atone for his transgressions, Ale—now Leif—set out to learn the ways of the world and to return to his people with solutions of justice or revenge, even if the windows of re-acceptance into Viera society remain forever closed to him. However, the world is vast and ever-changing, full of her own conflicts, and such prospects may have slipped through Leif's fingers with the events of the Final Days...


MERCENARY FOR HIREYou need a hired hand to take out a bounty, to cull a problematic monster, or to add to the ranks of a dispute. Whatever the issue, a sharp-eyed Viera with versatility in combat and skill with a gun is the answer.EXPERT IN SURVIVALYou find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere with no means to survive the night, or the guide you have hired to help you across the dangerous wilds has abandoned you. Perhaps you are in need to hire someone with these skills as you travel to distant lands. Leif is a master in bushcraft and is exactly who you need to get from Point A to Point B safely.A STUDY IN DANCEThe Viera who had been staring with rapt attention to your entire dance performance finally approaches you. Shyly, he compliments your skill and probes you with questions about your technique. You realize that this Viera seeks a mentor in dance, and you decide to oblige him.A VIERA LOSTIt is clear that the Viera in tattered clothing and a strained expression, apprehensive gaze flickering about him, is lost. Is this his first time here? Feeling sorry for the wayward Viera, or perhaps curious about his origins, you decide to help him.VENGEANCE IS A VIRTUELeif abandoned the Wood to fight fire with fire, steel, electricity, and oil, things the Empire cherished in the war to claim Dalmasca. However, with this great threat reduced to ruins, Leif has been deprived his vengeance and shattered his honor. Will you help him find peace?



Thank you so much for your interest in RP with Leif Renna!Who I Am
• Aspiring writer with 15+ years RP experience
• Seeking mature, dark fantasy/adventure/drama/slice of life
• Have written for FFXIV, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Allods Online, Neverwinter Nights, other D&D and tabletop RPG scenarios, Inuyasha, Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing, Ancient Magus’ Bride, and original concepts
• Will write to match but am a prolific multi-paragraph writer
• Working adult with limited time to RP but can promise at least one post a day, IRL events pending
What I Seek
• Experienced RPers only. MUST be 21+
• Discord RP primarily; can do occasional, light in-game RP
• Must respect and incorporate the lore
• OOC chat encouraged—let’s be friends!